Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday always sucks.....
The internet is a great tool, but what I found while searching for symptoms of withdrawal from a medication was alarming, I was shocked that when I clicked on a link that sounded just like the information I needed, I was taken to a site that sold the same medication out of the US! No prescription needed!!!! Its like it set up for people to abuse prescription drugs, and that just not right! I just do not see how this can be legal.
Hope you all had a better weekend, and hears to a better week!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I had a weird thought this morning. How is it that you can be sober in a room full of drunk people and they slur their words so bad you can hardly understand them, but if your in the same room and drunk like the others you can understand every word they say???!!!
So what to you think the reason for this is? Is it some kind of special language that only drunk people can understand?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one!
Penny has no thoughts on this one, but I'm sure she would love to hear you thoughts on her new Polo shirt!
Have a super weekend!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thank you for your time!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Your prayers are needed!!
Please visit Taylor Parkers Blog !
I know I have been MIA for awhile now, but I hope to be back to posting soon again!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
For my kids...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Penny update!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Anger Issues!
I guess I can't be freaking Mary Poppins all the time!
See Ya!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
That just sucks!!!
If I remember it I will be sure to post it..
Have a super day!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
No wonder I'm so pissed off all the time!
Forget me and leave me to raise myself, I laughed it off. Now his words ring true for me and I finally understand parts of it. Some parts I am still trying to figure out. I think I have done an ok job on the raising me part. I’m independent, have no addictions and have a good job. My kids are great, no real problems there just the normal teenager stuff.
I know the road ahead of me will be rough, but it’s a road I have traveled before, and in the end I know I will be ok. I love my family and I know they love me in the only way they can.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I'm still here!
Thats about all I have to say!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Finally Done!!!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Day# 3
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I got wood!!
Monday, July 10, 2006
A new day!
In other news.....The day has finally come!! They are starting my new roof today!! After much rain and many delays!! I am so excited! So here is a before picture. I will post updates as the week goes by!
Have a super Monday!!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Long time no post!
I seem to have slipped into a deep depression and am having a hard time coming out of it. So I have done what I normally do...Worked myself sick...So I feel a need to vent, please bear with me I need to get this out!
I'm angry at you Dad because most of my life you where not there for me and when you finally sobered up and realized was almost to late...........And then you had to die on my birthday.
I'm angry at you MB because I loved you and when I told you goodbye you took the one thing you wanted by force...You had no right to violate me.
I'm angry at you RH because you are selfish and did what was most comfortable for you, and did not think about the hurt you caused the kids.
I'm angry at you BJ for thinking that you are so great when you are drunk.
I'm angry at you UB, because you can not even get you lazy ass here to see you father before he dies....I know you will be the first one with his hand out when he does!
Ok, I feel better......I need to go cry now................
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Have a Happy 4th of JULY!!!
I'll wave to all of you, as you leave
when it's time for you to go.
As you sail from sea to shining sea
take the colors of your home.
Take me with you, wherever you go
keep me in your heart each night.
And if you forget what you're fighting for
remember me, in flight.
Take me out to the battleground,
and then tear me into shreds.
Wrap the bleeding wound with me,
and bind the aching head.
Plunge me into coldest water
to soothe the fevered brow.
Tie me across the shattered limb,
I'll support it now.
Let me dry the homesick tear,
and hold closed, the gaping chest,
for here, in the field, where hope is lost
I am at my best.
And then, burn what is left of me,
for warmth into the night.
So I may bring comfort, where there is need
and courage, for the fight.
My red is deeper, for the blood you've shed.
My white is purer, for your pain.
My blue will be bluer than the deepest sea
when you come home again.
Then I'll rise to the top of the flagpole,
where my colors are always flown,
and from there, when the war is over
I'll wave, to welcome you home.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Sprinkler Time! *updated*
Behind my home is a park. It was once a school yard that I attended as a child. In the summer my youngest son and I would work in the back yard and wait until the sprinklers came on in the park and then we would run in them to cool down. We did not care who watched or what they thought.
He is 13 this year. Do you still think he will run in the sprinklers with me?
Happy Hump day to all!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Vegas was Vegas....Hotter than hell, but then its hot at home too, but its diffrent!
So I'm gonna kick back, relax and enjoy my weekend!
Have a great one!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Word for the day
What is defeat?...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
My grandfather is still in the resthome and his biopsy results came back and they think he has lymphoma. So while what every monster is eating away his memories the cancer will eat away his body. I pray he is not in pain and the end comes peacefully for him.
Well I'm off to clean up more puppy poop and them its work all weekend for me. I have a ton of bookwork to complete. Then I'm off the Vegas next week for business.
Have a super weekend!!
Monday, June 05, 2006
How Sweet!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Sleepiness nights!
I went shopping yesterday and cried all the way home, not because I spent too much money, but because I knew I would stop and visit my Dad on the way home. I have been avoiding going there and knew I had to buck it up and just do it. So as I sat by his grave, I gave myself away to a good healthy cry. I guess I half expected to ground to be turned up from my father spinning in his grave over the recent events caused by my step-mother. I guess I have not mentioned all the legal crap that's going on. It just my father had a living trust set up and things where going great. We all agreed that Dads wishes should be carried out as stated in his trust. Where it all went haywire, I have no clue.
My Grandfather is still in a resthome and has good days & bad days. My step-Grandmother does not want him to return home because having 24 hour home care is a violation of her privacy. He is her husband, if my husband was old and ill and I could spend every minute we had left together I would not care about my privacy. I would care about my husband, and its his ranch, which he worked so hard to farm. He wants to go home.
I just do not get it. We are not asking for everything, just some of my father family things, photos and such. We went last Sunday to my dads place to put some things in the shop and my step-mom called the police. She has life estate in the home, which we did not enter, but the rest of the property now belongs to my sister she has every right to be there. Its what my father wanted. Yet we are treated like criminals.
I made a promise to myself yesterday as I sat by my fathers side, that I would do everything within my power to save my boys from having to go through this kind of hell.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
So my mom talks me into buying this book titled Cesar's Way. She saw this guy on some TV show and " he just works wonders with dogs, he is a Dog Whisperer!" So last night I settle down to see how I can relate to Penny on a canine level. All is good...Until Penny decides to bark her cute little head off until I pick her up and place her in my bed, now back to the book...Wait Penny NO! Do not chew on my arm! NO! I get up and get her one of her many chew toys, back to the book it starts out good stating I need to let Penny know who is boss.....Wait Penny NO! Do not eat the book!!!! Needless to say I'm only on page 4 of the introduction. The back pages are not too badly chewed, just the cover a little. I will try it again tonight, but I might just say hell with it and let her eat the book if it keeps her from chewing on my arm!!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Adventures in Space!
Have a super hump day!!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Word for the day!
There is only one road to true human greatness:
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I think I need the day off!!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
She is finally here!
Penny arrived this morning at the airport and had a safe flight. She is just beautiful and has taken to our family well. She even had a little romp in the sprinkler!
I spent the week in Las Vegas on business and am so glad to be home. I took my sister with me and we had a great time. It was her first trip to Vegas and she won $1000 right as we where leaving the hotel for the airport. I was so excited for her. I came home $500 ahead so not a bad trip.
My grandpa is getting stronger and I hope we can have him back at his ranch soon.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Grandpa Update!
Thanks for all your support!
Have a great and wonderful week!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Just to let you know, I have not dropped off the face of the earth. I'm still alive and kicking.
My family has been taking up much of my time. My Grandfather is now in a rest home and it has broken my heart. He wants to go home, but my evil step-grandmother does not want him there. Its his ranch, he wants to die there. So he has chosen not to eat or drink. He will not keep his IV in, which at this point is the only thing keeping him alive. He will not take his medications. We have done all we can to explain to him that in order to go home he needs to do what the doctor wants, but his mind is going to another place. It kills me to see him suffer so.
Well I'm off to visit my Dad, his headstone is finally in place, and I need to see him.................
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Long time no post!
Penny is now almost 6 weeks old and almost ready to make the flight out to California! We are so excited to welcome her as a new addition to our family!
Speeking of new additions Below is my oldest son newest addition.
My oldest son has been shopping for a new truck and here it is! Its a beauty!
Hope you are all enjoying the great weather!
Have a super week!!! Ot at least whats left of it!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Assorted Babble: BEWARE Peophiles, Child Molesters-The Blog World is Watching#links#links
I have linked this post from Suzie. I feel it is very important that we do as much as we can to shut these sites down. Yes I believe in free speech, but this is just wrong!!!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I have been super busy. My Grandfather had to go to the hospital this weekend. It was scary. He is 91 and starting to be forgetful. He injured his back and was having muscle spasms. He is home and resting. I know he is old and will eventually pass, but I am not ready for that. I'm still missing my Dad real bad.
Yesterday was really sucky! Over the weekend we had our cube at work expanded.....bigger cube & a raise....I'm moving up!!! So yesterday I tried to turn on my computer and I got *gasp* the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH! My hard drive is shot and will need to be replaced. I sucks big time. You do not realize how much we rely on computers until your is gone!
Hope you all have a super Tuesday!!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Guess what??
A baby you ask?
Hell no......
My fellow bloggers, I would like to introduce you to Penny. Penny is 4 weeks old and currently lives in Oklahoma. She is an English Bulldog and will be totally spoiled in my home.
Check out Blackfork English Bulldogs. You can see Penny and her brothers & sisters.
Have a super weekend!!!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Life is just that way!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Been gone!!
The call came Wednesday about 3pm, as I rushed over there feeling not my pain but fear for my son. I hoped it was just the flu that myself and his brother had both had. But when I say the look on his face I knew it was more than that. So after 2 trips to two different hospitals my son had his appendix removed Thursday night. He is home and resting and I am finally back to work!
I will post more later when I have time.
Have a super Monday and I hope you did not forget to move your clocks ahead 1 hour!!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Fibromyalgia is a nasty thing to have. There is no cure and no proven treatment that's works 100%. Trust me I have tried them all.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is often called the "invisible disease," because outwardly, we may look perfectly healthy. Inside though, we may have intense pain throughout our bodies, we may be constantly fatigued and weak, we may be dizzy, confused, lacking sleep, suffering digestive disorders, and generally living a poor quality of life. There is no known cure for Fibromyalgia, but there are ways to treat the symptoms, to improve that quality of life.
FMS is a type of neurotransmitter disorder, in which the pain-signals that our brains receive are intensified, and our muscles do not get the healing nutrients they need. The current diagnosis is usually made by a Rheumatologist who will find 11, or more, "Tender Points" on your body.
I have had this illness since 1998 and generally deal with it well. I refuse to take pain meds and rely on mediation and basic meds to make it through each day. Somedays are better than others. Today is a bad day, I'd much rather be at work instead of sitting here in pain. Sometimes the pain is so bad I lay awake and cry and wonder why. Why me? No I'm not looking for sympathy. Just venting, and it does feel good to vent!!!
Ok I'm done bitching. Have a super hump day!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I have the flu and it sucks! My whole body hurts and I think I my die soon..........I have not been able to eat since Sunday night. I'm getting lots of rest and drinking fluids and they are finally staying down, so I must be getting better. I sure don't feel better.
Hope you all are having a better week than me!!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Life is just that way!
Work has been ok...Its travel time, which sometimes can be fun and sometimes a pain. This month both of my trips have been ones I can drive to. That makes it so much easier, unless its snowing!
My youngest son turned 13!!! He is a teenager now! What the hell am I gonna do?!!!! I suppose I made it 13 years rasing him alone I have to just keep on keeping on!
Hope all has been well with you.
I'm still hanging in there!!!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "Do Over!"?
"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest?
Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening?
It wasn't odd to have two or three "Best Friends"?
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was "cooties"?
Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot?
A foot of snow was a dream come true?
Saturday morning cartoons weren't 30-minute commercials for action figures?
"Oly-oly-oxen-free" made perfect sense?
Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles?
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team?
War was a card game?
Baseball cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle?
Taking drugs meant orange-flavored chewable aspirin?
Water balloons were the ultimate weapon?
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have lived!!!!!!! ..the perfect age is somewhere between old enough to know better and too young to care.
Pass this on to anyone who may need a break from their "grown-up" life .. I double-dog-dare-ya
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Word for the day!
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger,
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Half Nekkid Thursday!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Breath in your nostrils,
light in your eyes,
flowers at your feet,
duties at your hand,
the path of right just before you.
Then do not grasp at the stars,
but do life's plain, common work as it comes,
certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
This time,
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Family Dinner
Which brings me to another point. Some people assume that just because I own a bar, I must be a heavy drinker. This makes me mad, coming from a family of alcoholic's I pride myself that I did not fall into this trap. Why do people do that?
So tonight I will start back into my exercise routine. I have decided to fight my depression instead of letting it take me down.
Have a super Hump Day!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
The high light of my weekend was picking out my dad's headstone. Ok I admit I am depressed. I really do not post about my private feeling on here, but the depression has grabbed hold of me and I can't shake it. I am no stranger to it, and usually I can handle it. It just feels so overwhelming right now.
I find it easier to hide from the world, put on the happy smiley face, so you can't see my pain. I'm tired and I just want to sit and cry!