Saturday, May 06, 2006

She is finally here!

Penny arrived this morning at the airport and had a safe flight. She is just beautiful and has taken to our family well. She even had a little romp in the sprinkler!

I spent the week in Las Vegas on business and am so glad to be home. I took my sister with me and we had a great time. It was her first trip to Vegas and she won $1000 right as we where leaving the hotel for the airport. I was so excited for her. I came home $500 ahead so not a bad trip.

My grandpa is getting stronger and I hope we can have him back at his ranch soon.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!


Rat In A Cage said...

Glad to hear about grandpa!

truckdriver_sefl said...

Wow a money making trip for sure!

Bud said...

Cute doggie, great trip and gramps is coming home. You are on a hot streak! Play the lottery or something!

Karen said...

What a cutie, I'm sure she'll love it there :-D I hope you had a great weekend with her.

The Diva ♥ said...

she is so cute, i just love her. i want to kiss her and hug her!

Hale McKay said...

Great news on Grandpa. What a cute girl Penny is! Congrats on the successful trip to Vegas.