Friday, October 21, 2005

Flip Off Friday!!

Happy Flip Off Friday!!!!

Today I am going to give a really HUGE DOUBLE Flip off to...........the 3 T's rule!! (see post dated 10/18/2005) I have made a decision to base the length of time I must avoid the 3T's based on the length of a relationship. The actual 3 T's time limit was based on a very intense 2 year relationship that had just ended.So that comes out to 25%. Based on this I only have to avoid the 3T's for 1.5 months. has been over 1.5 months!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

Have a very very happy weekend!!!!!


Jillian said...

Shannon: When I finally meet a man that does not lie, beat or cheat!!!! LOL!!!!

Mike said...

Oh, this sounds like fun!

Rat In A Cage said...

Then line up the shots & go get a tattoo!! Yippy!

Jillian said...

You: Its is lots of fun!!!!

Rat:I was thinking more about jumping in that truck and some temptation ;)

Deb said...

Hi Jill!

Sorry you are going through a break up... It does get better, believe me.

Your comment about finding a man who doesn't cheat--they are out there.

Women are no better... I'm a lesbian, so I know that the woman out there, cheat more than the men sometimes! Seriously, it's all about the 'person', (blah blah blah, right? ;)

Anyway, just wanted to say hi, love your blog. Hope you feel better!

Jillian said...

Deb: Thanks for your support. I'm really doing great!!! Its not a bad break-up. Just something that had to happen!!

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

WOO HOO...for YOU!! (smiling)

Happy you are feeling better!

Wishing you a great weekend as well. Looks like BAD WEATHER here!! Started last night...Yucky!