Tuesday, October 11, 2005

12th Anniversary

I touched on Domestic Violence in my Oct 5th post . Today marks the 12th anniversary of the beginning of my journey out of that situation. It was a long hard fight, but I feel I am a better person today because of it.

So in honor of this date, I am taking back my blog. I have been very careful recently of the things I have posted about,I have even deleted and reworded posts, but this is my blog. I created it to express my thought and feelings. So from this day forward I plan to do just that!!

Have a super Tuesday everyone!!!


~art said...

So glad you had the strength to get out of the situation you were in. Men who abuse women make me sick.

Karen said...

Congratulations on your 12th anniversary. I'm proud of you, and I pray that more women can do the same.

Great idea - yes, this is YOUR blog. :-)


badgerbob said...

I don't really know you, but I am very happy for you. Women beaters rank up there with child-molesters in my book, and there is nothing lower or worse than someone who hurts an innocent child.
That being said, can we expect more nudity and coarse language?

Osbasso said...

Congratulations, though it sucks that I have to even do so. I just don't quite understand the abuser mentality. Hope I never do...

Looking forward to your re-emergence!

Bud said...

So glad you survived and have been out of it that long. Can't wait to read what you come up with now!

Rat In A Cage said...

Congratulations! That is a great thing to hear & power to the (blog)poster!

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

Hell Yeah! Bring on Jill: Live and Uncut!

You must already know how strong you are. Many women never get out, or if they do, they find someone else who's just as bad. I hate to use thew word "strong," because I don't think the women who get trapped in those scenarios are "weak." But you must have a greater deal of strength, coupled with the ability to get honest with yourself. Good job!

Anonymous said...

You are a strong person J for getting yourself out of that situation. That take a whole lot of strenght. Happy Wednsday!

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Congratulations! Jill, nothing is impossible! I'm so glad to see you making positive steps forwards freedom and everything that it involves. I am behind you 300%, being survivor myself - believe & have faith that you will never settle for less and we do not have to. You are very intelligent, beautiful and a wonderful person.

My feelings are I would rather be alone and happy than with someone abusing & tearing me down. You are a Survivor and you will be stronger than you have ever been. Being aware and focusing on what you want, you will find it. Wishing you the Best and I know you will succeed. Your Friend forever....Suzie

Jillian said...

Thank you so much for all your comments. Even after 12 years I still remember this day and I always will. I hope that my message will each other who are currently in a violent situation and give them the strenght to get the hell out!!

Schadeboy said...

If you can't post what you want in your own diary or hournal - be it on paper or the web - then where can you post? Good for you for not feeling badly about what you say on your own blog.