Thursday, September 01, 2005

How I feel today!!!


Niccio Dartsmouth said...

damn, life treats us all like baby treats the diaper. hope your day gets better. Where the hells Rusty been? he has not updated his blog in a month. like to know how the thing with his kids are doin.

Jillian said...

Nicco: Rusty got custody of his son and is doing well.

Niccio Dartsmouth said...

tell him to blog it!!! i want to hear about it all!

Jillian said...

Nicco: Sorry but he is no longer part of my his choice.

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Oh Jill I am so very heart breaks for you......damn it why can't people love each other forever and ride off in the sunset.

I have been single for 20 years, and now I feel it is too late for the Prince Charming or the Knight of shining armor! But for YOU, you are beautiful and things will work out....have faith!!! Don't give up on Love!!!

Your post is what I should put for my profile picture....I know that feeling. It f**kn sucks!!! Take care of yourself...know many love you and care.