Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I got to thinking today......Ya know what pisses me off someone who lies to you and then thinks you are so stupid that you don't know they are lying. When the truth is all I ever asked for in the first place. Just a thought to ponder!!!!!


Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

I couldn't agree more!! I would rather someone be honest (even if it hurt) with me than tell me a lie. Adding insult to injure, knowing for a fact they are just down right lying - pisses me off.

People have to know we are not stupid, so why do they do it? To answer myself...I have no idea!!

Meant to come over all day, did not know you had Fibro too!! 10 years here! I left you a long message on my most recent post.

Take care friend, it will get better. I relate to you more than you know.

Sending hugs...

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

Being lied to is insulting more than anything. I'm a good lie detector... but why should I have to do the work... THEY are the liars... shouldn't they have to do extra work.

I will take being lied to over lied about though. That shit gets out of control way faster!!

Anonymous said...

Damn straight sista. I can't stand when people do that. Especially when they walk away with that look on their face that they just pull one over on ya.

Karen said...

Those who lie are nothing but chickenshits and they make fools of themselves when we know they're lying. Pisses me off.