Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sad but True!!!!


Bud said...

That is really bleak, Jill. My step daughter, age 37, is coming to live with us this weekend after being dumped by her BF after 5 years. She's leaving a very good job in San Jose too. I hope I can think of something helpful to say.

Jillian said...

Bud: Yes it is bleak. Please tell her to never give up hope! Love sometimes happens when we least expect it!!!!

badgerbob said...

I am the guy on the far right. If you look close you can see my right ear.Thank god the caption doesn't say honest.

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

So Funny, because my post tonight is on this subject...we must be thinking on the same lines.

I am going for my retreat this time, will be gone for a few days..but posted a pic and open for good or bad comments...hopefully good ones...anyway, see you when i get back. Take care..friend..hang in there!!

The Diva ♥ said...

huh? maybe cause its early but im lost.

aughra said...

Hee, that's great.

Hey, thanks for coming by Bad News Blonde.

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

Sad but true.

I just read the shower joke below... that's hilarious!