Saturday, November 19, 2005

Paint Fumes!

I have been painting my hallway today and I think the fumes have gotten to me. I have a massive headache but the hall way looks pretty good. I just need to finish one more coat and then the trim. I going with colors this time instead of your normal off white. I felt I needed a little color in my life. I really hate painting, but it has to be done, and I only fell off the ladder once! Which is really good for me. I am a major klutz. I even managed to get most of the paint on the walls instead of myself. Just wanted to update. I'm headed out the door for one of those wonderful singles meet and greets. Did I mention dating really sucks!! Its fun but it does have its down sides. Everyone is so nice when you first meet them and after the awhile the real person comes out and sometimes its scary. I'm thinking about just giving it up and living the rest of my life as an old lady with cats!!

Have a super evening!


Karen said...

I'm with you on the dating, it does totally suck. But it will be worth it when the right guy comes into our lives.

Paint fumes do give me a massive headache as well. I don't mind painting with a roller, but the trim is what I don't have the patience for. ;-)

Deb said...

Hey Jill!

Listen, OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS! I swear, those fumes can really trigger on a migraine. I had to paint my first apartment, and I walked out of there with my head thumpin' so bad----it didn't go away for days--not even pain killers helped.

Anyway, if you decide to live like an old lady with tons of cats---remember, my community (the gay communtiy) are starting off with that TOO early! YIKES! Every lesbian over here has at least 10 cats per household.

What's up with that?????? Plus, I'm allergic. So they say, "Oh you're not a real lesbian."


Frick'em all! lol! Sorry for the wacky rant. I need a drink! BAD !!!!

mikster said...

Waiting for an update on the meet and greet

Mike said...

I always trip when I paint... It is the closest thing to a hallucination I get these days!

Dick said...

Meet and greet....
That sounds like a major butt kissing event to me.
I'd pass.

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

The headache and the dating...hahahaha!!! Ironically they go together! I know what you mean....for real!! It is not the fumes...(LOL)

I bet your painting looks great....