Tuesday, May 31, 2005


There is nothing worse than a Monday that starts on a Tuesday. I'm ready for it to be Friday and I have only been at work for 3 hours.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Doing nothing!!!!

I'm taking today off!!!! I have a ton of stuff to do, but I have spent most of my weekend working and running around, so I really do not have the enegry to do much more than sit here and not do shit!!!! I work this morning.....and the rest of the day is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, May 27, 2005

Just in case you forgot!!!!!


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This sucks!!!!!!!

  • OMG Mom was Right!!!!!!!
  • 3 Day Weekend

    Relax and remember to blow bubbles with your kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes in our busy lives we forget the little things!!!!!!!! Tell someone you love them. Do something kind for a stranger. Send a card for no reason. Remember what caused you to fall in love & bring back the romance to your relationship.
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    Thursday, May 26, 2005

    To use
  • freaky virgin's
  • word for the day.......To the Bunghole who decided to try to reek havoc in my personal life......HA HA HA It did not work!!!!!! You need to grow up and get a life!!!!!!!!!! My life is happy and nothing you can do or say is going to change that!!!! So take that you Bunghole!!!!!!!!!!


    Look how cute my son is!!!!! This again was several years ago. I just look so fricking happy to be on that ride!!!!!!
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    Post for today!!!!

    There is no place like Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wednesday, May 25, 2005

    Bad Hair Day??????

    Dude................what were you thinking???????????
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    Tuesday, May 24, 2005


    For those of you who have never experienced an anxiety attack......You are very lucky....Because they really fucking suck!!!!!!!!! I have had them for as long as I can remember, but they have gotten less severe over time and I usually can tell when one is coming and am able to control it on my own. Today was different it hit me out of the blue, just an overwhelming feeling like I could not handle any more. I woke up feeling kinda sad...It should have clued me in that something was going to happen, but I just thought it was a restless night sleep in yet another hotel, so I got ready for my meeting and headed downstairs. It hit me in the meeting, I was unable to concentrate on what was being said and my thoughts would not settle on any one thing. I kept thinking what the fuck am I doing here? I just wanted to go to my room and hibernate. So I waited until lunch break thinking that some quite time in my room might help. We got 1 1/2 hours for lunch, but after an hour I knew it was not going to stop by its self. So he I sit waiting for my anxiety meds to work. As I reflect back over the last couple of days events I now can see that this was coming on. I work fulltime and own a business on the side with my sister. Which leaves me little time for me and my kids. Let alone any personal time to pursue my own life. I So here I sit(with a bottle of Chardonnay), knowing I should be in my meeting, but unable to leave my room. Is all the work and money and personnel possessions worth all this?????? I'd give it all up to have a simple normal life. I suppose I work so much so I do not have to deal with my feelings. Who knows??? Maybe you do,because right now I don't!!!!! Right now IM going to read my favorite blog's, surf the net and then have a nice nap!!!!!!! God knows the meds and wine will speed that up.


    Hotels suck!!!!! Ok, when you call to make reservations they always ask "Would you like a Smoking or Non- Smoking room? Smoking please, I say!!!! Then when you check in they give you a Non-smoking room, you ask for a smoking room and they tell you "So sorry we do not have one available!!!!!!! Then why the FUCK did I reserve one in the first place!!!!!!!!!!Why even ask???????? I going to keep a ashtray in my suitcase, because Im going to smoke in my room regardless of if its a Non-smoking room!!!!!

    I do have a wireless connection,thank the good Lord. My morning is not complete without coffee, a smoke and my computer.

    Sunday, May 22, 2005


    I hate packing!!!!!!! Im sooooo tired of traveling. I worked my ass off this weekend and I can't seem to see that I did anything. That totally sucks. I should just leave my shit in my suitcase......I guess I should be thankful I do not have to get on an airplane....WOO HOO!!!!!! I get to drive!!!!!!!!!!!!! I better have a wireless connection there or Im going to be really pissed!!!!!!!! WOW Im in a super crappy mood!!!!!! Well I better get and stuff my clothes in my suitcase....They better have an iron that works. It pisses me off!!! All the irons at the hotels leak water!!!!! What's up with that shit???????????

    Weekend work!!!!

    Shit I worked alllll weekend. I did not get to relax on the beach (like some bums I know) My Oldest son came over Friday night with his girlfriend Ashley.....She's a doll.....Lord we got ripped in my backyard!!!!!! But hey it was fun!!!!! I also won $58 for all my bowling efforts!!! WOO HOO!!!!! I still have a ton of work to do today, because you guess it......IM off on yet another exciting business trip on Monday. Crooked is walking much better and is even taking a trip outside every now and then. Calie my other cat finally brought her 1 surviving kitten in the house.(that's a story for another day) My youngest son is off on a canoe trip, getting prepared for his trip to Canada this July. So I have had some quite time to get my work done.

    Well its back to work for me!!!!!!!
    Have a great Sunday!!!!

    Thursday, May 19, 2005

    False advertising!!!!!

    While shoping on Ebay I came across this ad. Read the description and notice the Non-smoking non-pet home comment......check it out here..........
  • Here
  • ...

    Do you see what I see??????????


    This post is for to the Asshole in the Very UGLY Red Ford Bronco who who tried to drive up my ass this morning on the freeway. WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where you trying to kill me or just in a hurry to get to some Fucking destination that was not worth risking the lives of innocent people!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope the very nice Hiway patrol man pulled your ass over and shot you for being such a dumb FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wednesday, May 18, 2005

    Crooked's Homecoming!!!!

    Crooked is home from his two night stay at the Vet's office!!!!!!!!!!! We are soooooo glad he is home!!!!!! He is resting comfortably and seems happy to be home. I'm sure he would do a happy dance, but he still is really sore, which is to be expected when you are run over by a car!!!!!! He walks slightly crooked.....wait thats his name.....OMG I ran over my cat who was already Crooked and now he really is crooked!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel soooooo bad.....but at least he is home. Anywhoooooo...Im off to watch a movie with my son........
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    Really Bored!!!!!!

    I'm so bored today....I dont want to work.....I found this really cute
  • Kitty
  • ...You have to check him out!!!!!!

    Self Portrait

    This photo  was taken at yet another business trip!!!!!!! After hours of course!!!!!!!! My thanks to Jimmy Buffet for opening Margaritaville and allowing me to buy all the most delicious margarita's....... and causing me to take this really bad photo in which you can see directly up my nostrils........and who is that handsome stud-muffin??????........That happens to be my oldest son............who so kindly escorted me to the elevator @ 8pm, pushed my floor # and said "Go directly to your room, do not pass go, do not collect $200..........I hate when that happens...................
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    Tuesday, May 17, 2005

    Hang in there BABY!!!!!!!

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    My Boys!!!!!!!

    This photo was taken several years ago on a trip to Six Flags............The one in the white shirt is not really my son, but he was always at my house........So close enough in my book...........
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    Crooked Update!!!!

    Looks like Crook is going to make it. The Vet says he is doing better after some B-12, antibiotics and cortisone shots. He is eating great after Leroy (the Vet)told his assistant that Crook has no teeth and can't eat the hard stuff......I thought I might get to bring him home today, but he has to stay one more night. I'm soooooo happy.....I thought I killed the poor creature. Crooked has been with my family for about 10 years. We are not ready to let him go just yet!!!!!!!!!!

    Anywhooooooo....its back to work for me........Thank God its almost time to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Monday, May 16, 2005


    I just found this photo!!!!!! Its kinda blurry!!!!!!!! Just pretend your bawling your eyes out (like me) and it will look great!!!!!!!!!!!
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    I had an appointment to take Crooked (my cat...That I just happened to run over)@9:30am. First off I can find my cat carrier, so I find an old file box, put a towel in it to make it all comfy for him.....Then I can't find the cat!!!!!!!! OMG I panicked. He has been in my room since the accident!!!!!!! I must have looked under my bed a thousand times.......I do have a cat door, but I could not imagine Crooked going outside on his own. He can hardely stand. So I call the Vet and let them know, they said to bring him in if I found him. So I get in my car to run some errands......And there he is......Getting a drink from the fountain in my front flower bed.........I jump out of my car (like he is going to run off!!!!!!!) Grab the box, then patiently wait for him to finish drinking. The minute he is done I stuff him in the box, throw him in the car and we are off.......The vet was not in so I helped put him in a cage..........Petted him and said....Well it was not goodbye.......So here I sit by the phone waiting..........

    Sometimes It Takes All Ya got!!!!

    You have this just love this photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    I needed to post something to lift my spirits and this photo did it.

    I managed to survive Friday the 13th......But Friday the 14th was a day from HELL!!!!!!!!!!!

    First off I had a blast from the past that was not fun at all.....Then to top it off I ran over my beloved old cat.....Crooked.......I did not kill him.....which I think is worse than the fact that he is still alive as we speak and on the way to the vet. Crooked is old, he is blind in one eye, he has no teeth, and as well as we can remember he has used up all of his nine lives..........and is working on the 10th.....with some help from me. I have kept him comfortable, by crushing up Vicodan in warm water and using a droper to force it down.....so he has been very happy despite the fact .........I RAN OVER HIM......


    Sunday, May 08, 2005

    Just a thought!!!!!

    In California you must wear a seatbelt in your vehicle, if you or you passengers do not you will get a ticket. Your children must be in a car seat, or booster seat depending on age and weight!!!!!!! So why the hell do they not have seat belts in buses. Many of us put our children on buses to got to school everyday. In San Diego we took a bus from our hotel to the convention center every day....And no seat belts!!!!!!!!We are so careful with our children, but we throw that all out each and every time we put them on a bus!!!!!!!!!!!! It can't be that hard to install seat belts!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sooooooo what are your thoughts?????????

    Happy Mother Day!!!!

    May you all have a very Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!!!!! I was just going to chill all day, but the laundry needs to be done. Its raining here, and I feel kinda yucky. Maybe I'll just have a nap!!!!!!!


    Ok so we are not really working in this picture!!!!!!!!!! The bartender took this photo......the blurry spot is his thumb. This was the greatest British Pub......we went every night....if your ever in San Diego check out The Princess Pub. The food was great and so where the margaritas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Working in San Diego!!!!!

    Here we are working on our last day of the Expo!!!! Don't you just love the matching pink hats!!!!!!!
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    Tuesday, May 03, 2005

    Traveling again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone I work with thinks it SO fun to travel!!!! It sucks!!!!! You get to go to fun places and then your stuck in a room with a bunch of people you don't know all day!!!!!!!!!! Then your too exhausted to do anything when you get out. So its back to your room for room services and what ever movie catches your eye!!!!! I hate it!!!!! I want to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sunday, May 01, 2005

    My Ride

    I love this car. It kicks ass!!!!!!!
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