Friday, July 15, 2005


Its so freaking HOT here!!!!It was 105 yesterday. I can't even sleep. I have been working soooo hard and the lack of sleep is killing me. We hope to finish up today with the new accounting system, but I do not really see that happening, and the auditors are coming out on Monday and will be here all week. Oh the joy!!!!! I have been so busy with my day job I have not been able to get my work at the Bar done,so after a long day of looking at freaking numbers all day, I get to come home and head to the Bar, not to drink but to gather up more work so I can come home and stare at more freaking numbers!!!!!!! Sometimes I wish I had chosen a different profession, maybe one where I got to stare at cute furry animals. Actually I when I was little I wanted to be an archaeologist or a truck driver.....Kind bizarre I know but hey I was just a kid!!!

What did you want to be when you grew up and how does that differ from what you actually do now?


Revee said...

Most people want to be a doctor or astronaut or actress. I wanted to be a Hardee's worker (yes Hardee's as in fast food). My sister worked there and I idolized her and wanted to be just like her. Sad but true. Now I think I might try just playing I'm a journalism major.

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I wanted to be a writer - if a blog counts as writing... Mission Accomplished

Charlie Mc said...

I wanted to be a radio DJ on late night radio giving love advice and playing cheesy songs. Instead, i am a pharmaceutical R&D buyer!

Bud said...

Jill, I wanted to write and be involved in music in some way. Got a degree in Journalism and became a teacher. A job where I got to do all three, actually. But that's a long story. Now I do music full time. I love my life. You do numbers well and I admire that. Why not try to get a job accounting for a chain of pet stores or the zoo? Get a little furry animal contact when you take a break.

Jillian said...

Bud: What a super idea!!!!I always wanted to sing. I sing in my car on my way to work, I sing at home. I sing like crap, but I don't care it makes me happy!!!

Madman: My spelling is not the greatest either, spellchecker is my friend!!! I actully was terrible at math in school. I never imagined that I would have eventually found it to me my lifes work.

C-Mac: Radio DJ's are so sexy!!! I think its because they have great voices and you wonder what they look like.

Rachael: TA Da!!! Blogging counts you write very well.

Veeda: I started my first job at Taco Bell when I was 21. I wish I could write well.

Freaky: I could have never been a nurse or vet. The sight of blood makes me faint. If it makes ya feel better I sit on my ass all day long too!!!

Jillian said...
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The Diva ♥ said...

i didn't have a dream for a job or dream was to walk with gaints and gods. to have peace in a lif time of war.

Jillian said...

Blue: so you wanted to be a beauty queen?! LOL!!!!