Tuesday, July 19, 2005


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And my all time favorite!!!!!Image hosted by Photobucket.com


Anonymous said...

Hehehe now thats comdey!

The Diva ♥ said...

hahahaha i love the blue and red cars!

Charlie Mc said...

that's good stuff!!!!

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I wish bowling alleys looked just like that!

Funny stuff!

Jillian said...

Mario: If you put it up, why can't you put it down? Its the same basic principal as if you turned the light on please turn it off when you leave the room.....thats what my mom taught me...lol!!!

LB said...

I like the hammer and screwdriver. I love to drive fast though. :p

Heather said...

Vote yes for the Manogram!
Just teasing, Fellas, I know they already squeeze your balls. ;)

If you pick it up, put it down. Very simple. We leave it as we approached it--why can't you do the same?

Beo said...

Your too much Jill. :)

Jillian said...

Thanks Beo!!!

Mr Bill said...

I always put if down 'where I found IT' one wife two daughters... if it's up, WHO was here???

Hale McKay said...

I'm afraid too many men might actually like a manogram! Good post! More proof things need a woman's touch. As for the toilet seat, I learned a long time ago to put it down, and have maintained the practice. I do have a measure of payback though, I sometimes, not always, also put the lid down! (Heh-heh!)