Monday, February 13, 2006

Do I have to work?!!

I actually got off my ass and did something this weekend! Saturday was super busy. I fixed my chainsaw. The new chain that someone put on for me was on backwards! It wont cut shit that way. So I fixed it and then decided to trim my Pomegranate tree. Well it got a good trimming. Nothing like a little chainsaw therapy to start out your day!

Both of my boys are sick and my sister also. But that did not stop us from attending the Annual Youth football crab feed. I actually won a manicure and a nice cold 12 pack of Milwaukeaa's Best (YUCK YUCK YUCK).

Spent most of Sunday shopping! Got to love that!

Well I suppose I should get ready for work!

Have a super Monday! (I know mine will suck)


Anonymous said...

That sounds nice. I was snowed in all this weekend.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

A woman with a chainsaw...

You go, lady...Love it!

Bud said...

Chainsaw repair, crabs, bad beer, free manicure and shopping. Three out of five ain't a bad weekend.

truckdriver_sefl said...

I love a little chainsaw duty myself:-} And there is nothing like getting a call at 8pm asking if you can drive to Alabama Yuck!! Hope your Monday was better than you thought sweetie:-}

mikster said...

Not a bad weekend to me.

Karen said...

I think you should have taken the day off ;-)

Happy Valentine's Day! *hugs*