But my weekend double sucked! Some of you who read my blog may know that I have Fibromyalgia, if you did not know...Now you do...So to make a long story short it really really sucks, but after 6 years of having this crap I have learned to deal with it. To help control some of my pain I take low doses of medications and get lots of sleep. Lately I have not been sleeping well and thus having more pain. So I head off to my Doctor. He decides that maybe my meds have stopped working so he adds a med at night and changes another night time med. This worked well for 4 days. I started feeling yucky on Friday afternoon and by Saturday I was pretty sure I was dying Woo Hoo Lucky me!! So after some searching on the internet I realize I am in withdrawals. Within 2 hours of taking my old night time med, I start feeling human! Oh the JOY!
The internet is a great tool, but what I found while searching for symptoms of withdrawal from a medication was alarming, I was shocked that when I clicked on a link that sounded just like the information I needed, I was taken to a site that sold the same medication out of the US! No prescription needed!!!! Its like it set up for people to abuse prescription drugs, and that just not right! I just do not see how this can be legal.
Hope you all had a better weekend, and hears to a better week!