Thursday, December 08, 2005

Happy HNT!!!

"The eyes are the windows to the soul"

So what do you see in mine?

Happy HNT!!!!


lecram sinun said...

Whatch out... you could hypnotize someone with those! Cheers and happy HNT!

S said...

They are almost lavender! Happy HNT!

Lee Ann said...

pretty eyes! Happy HNT!

Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

Excitement :o) and you're smiling too! Cheers :o)

Butterfly said...

Smiling eyes. Love the color!

Happy HNT!

MamaKBear said...

Such a pretty color blue!
Happy HNT!

Wenchy said...

What beautiful eyes you have!!!!

EverlastingKnowItAll said...

Deep understanding.


Grimstarr said...

I see me and you on a desert island ... oh wait, that's just the TV reflecting in the monitor. LOL I see a great smile and beautiful eyes. HHNT

Just Brian said...

wow Jillian your eyes are really pretty.
Happy HNT

PackerPundit said...

I see a woman that needs some pampering and lots of lovin'

lots and lots of lovin'


Bud said...

Nothing but Blue Skies from now on.

Mark Leslie said...

Beautiful blue eyes - happy HNT to you!

Anonymous said...

All right! We get an eyefull today! Just stunning! HHNT Jill! :)

Bsoholic said...

Very pretty eyes!

Happy HNT :)

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Kindness!!! Caring and Compassion!!

I was looking for the camera though, but could not see it. Perhaps I need stronger reading glasses. (smiling)

Your eyes are beautiful Jill!

AndyT13 said...

I see naughty thoughts LOL Happy HNT!

The Village Idiot said...

I see mischief...and other things that I am willing to lend a hand with...


Dick said...

And a beautiful soul it must be, cause those are some gorgeous eyes.

Thomcat said...


HappyKap said...

Wow! They're such a cool color. Mine are doodie brown, but I dig 'em anyway. Your's are definitely unique.

TJ said...

What a beautiful shade of blue!

And I see excitement and curiosity in them...

Robin said...

Amusement -- I definitely see a spark! HHNT.

Beth said...

I LOVE eye shots! Beautiful!


Blondie... said...

Your eyes are STUNNING!!!

Happy HNT!

Aisha T. said...

Very beautiful. I think you are smiling so I am assuming you are thinking of doing something mischievous--I am probably way off though! LOL Happy HNT.

Read This said...

I dunno. I see eyes. Did I get it wrong? Was this a trick question? Was I supposed to say something flattering, or something that will make you think I want you oh blogger man? You are beautiful. Get over it. Let's read the about the inner sanctum of your mind. You have so much going on, share it with your minions.

Jaxe said...

I see a HOT ACCOUNTING GODDESS ;-) Happy hnt Jill!!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty eyes.

Jay Noel said...

I see a chicken leg, some baked beans, mashed potatoes, and a Diet Coke in your future...

Oh, and you'll win the lottery in 2009.

Deb said...

First of all- not to repeat anyone else's comments---your eyes are beautiful!

I see a warm, compassionate person who is giving...maybe too giving in the aspect of being taken advantage of. "The nice girl"---the girl who doesn't say when something is troubling her...the girl who keeps a lot within. I see a lot of love, a lot of laughs, and---a lot of sorrow.

Ooooh---did you want me to get that deep?

Casually me---come on! No trick question---look into her soul baby!

Great HNT!